Last week we reviewed the beginning few days of Project Healing Waters – Healing on the Albany event at our Miminiska Lodge. As the event progressed, things only got better. Better weather? Yes. More laughter and fun? Oh yeah! This band of brothers who came together from so many different places – united by the common thread of war injuries – became even more united by the common thread of friendship. Our staff marveled at the kindness they showed to all of us. Through their upbeat attitudes, they taught us all a lesson about bravery beyond the battlefield. And though there have been many who have thanked us for our gifts to these guys, – believe me – we received so much more in return.
In last week’s photo montage, one young face stood out. His photo was framed by the flags of the U.S. and Canada. He is Sam Floberg of Fargo, North Dakota. Many of our readers wanted to know more about this remarkable young man who maintained his gunner position, although the vehicle beneath him and his right leg were torn away. His words and his story are on this week’s podcast – listen now.
To further honour these brave veterans, the First Nation Community of Fort Hope, which is about 25 miles from our Miminiska Lodge, invited them to a Pow Wow last Saturday. Derek Atlookan, emcee of the event, and a guide for Wilderness North, arranged for Vietnam vet, Bill Johnston, from Pittsburg, to lead the Grand Entry. Later, members of the community – one by one – shook each soldier’s hand and thanked them for their service.
The photo montage below captures the powerful spirit of the event, and we are deeply grateful to our native neighbours for enriching each soldier’s “Healing On The Albany” experience.
…Alan Cheeseman