Out With a Bang - Wilderness North

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Out With a Bang

What a busy season it’s been here at Makok!  A lot of times our guests have worked as hard as the staff, but I’ve never heard any of them complain about having sore arms from reeling in fish after fish.

This past week we welcomed a family group that was not only here for the amazing fishing but also the opportunity for Matt to learn the ways of the sport from his father and grandfather.  From the moment he arrived on his first ever floatplane ride to the moment he left for his second, the youngster Matt was all smiles. Brian (Dad) and his father Lou shared this experience with their long-time friends Dan and his son Jacob, all of them past guests at Makok. Knowing exactly where to go, the group fished the cut for the first couple of days and caught plenty of walleye. Most of the fish were caught on various coloured jigs tipped with worms & leeches or small spinners in 7 to 9 feet of water. They also hit Walleye Alley for a day and caught numerous fish between 15 and 20 inches making for an easy shore lunch. Young Matt improved each day and brought in his fair share of walleye as well as a real thick 38in pike that he caught while out with Grandpa Lou…it was almost as tall as he was!

Craig and Jeff, another group of longtime guests who knew where to go, headed out with their GPS in hand to drop a line at some of their personal hotspots. I can’t mention specifics, but I know they did well around Sand Point and Poplar Tree Point, with their most productive spot being near Sunken Rock. Working depths of 8-16ft on jigs and white twister tails tipped with Gulp Alive allowed Craig to get his name on the Master Angler board with a nice 26.5in walleye.

Also joining us this past week were Len and Liz, who enjoyed their first visit to Makok and left being pleasantly surprised at how good the fishing was. Making the most of their guide day they booked a river trip with Kash and spent the morning catching a handful of brookies and a lot of walleye. The rest of the day was spent learning where and how to fish some of the hot spots on the lake. Kash’s expertise paid off as the pair caught plenty of 20-25in walleye around the island between Eagles Nest and Eli’s Cabin.  The usual presentation of a jig and twister tail tipped with worms or leeches (better action) in 10-15 feet of water sure paid off. The couple had such a good time during their stay that they’ve already committed to a fly-in fishing trip for next year.

Last but not least, our outpost guests got in on the action with Diane and Andy each catching a Master Angler walleye, measuring in at 27 and 28 inches respectively, from the shoreline close to Eli’s cabin. Not wanting to be left out from the Master Angler awards, Millie booked a river trip on the group’s last day and not only caught a hard fighting 27-inch walleye but also a beautiful 22 inch Brook Trout(see feature image). It was a great day heading down river with everyone laughing and having a ball.

Our Master Angler Board now has over 80 walleye recorded and a few trophy brook trout to add to the mix. This doesn’t count the hundreds if not over a thousand walleye that were caught in the 22-25 inch range (considered by most to be a big one). What a great May and June for the record books! I can’t wait to see what is in store for our guests at Miminiska! Until next week!


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