Healing Event For Soldiers - Three Weeks Away - Wilderness North

Celebrating 30 Years of Wilderness North  –          

Healing Event For Soldiers – Three Weeks Away

We are counting down to July 11th and are very excited that our plans are taking shape for our second Healing On The Albany Event at our own  Miminiska Lodge. At this time ten Canadian and US soldiers have confirmed their presence at our event.

This week Ray Nadeau, General Manager of the Victoria Inn Hotel and Convention Center in Thunder Bay stepped up with complimentary rooms for arriving soldiers on  July 10th. Plus they will host the official welcome and press conference breakfast on July 11, before the soldiers fly up to Miminiska Lodge. We are very grateful for this gift.

healing those who serveIn addition they have extended a VIP discount to Wilderness North Guests who wish to stay in Thunder Bay. You may call 1-800-387 – 3331 and make your reservation using the code; “Wilderness North” to get the discount. Single or double rooms are just $99.99 plus tax. The hotel is just one mile from the airport. More information is available at their website.

“Healing On The Albany” is a fully authorized  project by Project Healing Waters. We continue to welcome monetary gifts that will enable us to transport these worthy men and women of the US and Canadian military service to our Albany River Lodge. There is more information here at the website:
Project Healingwaters

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