Trip Planning 101: Hold My Beer - Wilderness North

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Trip Planning 101: Hold My Beer

As we head into the final countdown before the first trips of the season, we are getting things ready to go into the lodges and outposts. We are busy working on logistics for staff arriving, ordering supplies and honing opening lists. In the office, the phones are buzzing with trip planning questions, orders and final payments. As we all know, orders are required at least 30 days in advance of your trip. Why may you ask? The above video will give you an idea of the logistics behind fulfilling a beer order. As the process comes to completion, you can see why it’s crucial we get those orders in ASAP. The beer fairies, don’t just drop the order in your fly location or lodge, there are many hands that touch each and every order to ensure:

1) it’s correct and

2) it gets up north in time!

We want to ensure your trip goes smoothly with all trip planning requests taken care of! See you soon!

**No cases of beer were harmed in the video, all were shipped up north for the “Paul” group at Makok; and yes, we have a colour coding system too!

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