If you have NOT been to the website recently take a look. With streaming video, informative links, downloadable PDF files and a chance to win a trip for two to our Strikers Point Lodge, it’s worth a few minutes. Sally German of California was recently named our 2005 winner. We are re-building our photo gallery, so if you have photos from previous trips, call Jenn at 1-888-465 3474 and she’ll walk you through the steps of getting them to us. In addition, if you have been a previous guest and have NOT yet signed up to be an “insider”, click on the insider area and take the survey and register. Our prize drawing from all survey participants (a GPS or Rod & Reel) will take place on March 1st.
We are thinking about producing unique Wilderness North audio “podcasts” for you to listen to on your computer or download to your I-Pod or MP-3 player. These short broadcasts would feature information about our Canadian wildlife and fish species, weather and lake reports, fishing stories from guests, etc. These 2-5 minute audio broadcasts would be available at our website to hear and download. If this is something you would find of value, feel free to drop us a line now…and, if you like, suggest some topics you would enjoy learning (hearing) more about.
Customs regulations update: As most of you know, 2006 will not be different than previous years regarding documentation required at the border. Your photo ID/driver’s license AND your original birth certificate is what you need to clear both US and Canadian Customs.. But in 2007 that will change. If you’ve heard that a Passport will be the only way to cross in 2007…that may change. A proposal for a “plastic photo ID” is in the works and could cost less than a passport and be quicker to acquire. Click here for more information.