Largest Pike in 2005 - Wilderness North

Celebrating 30 Years of Wilderness North  –          

Largest Pike in 2005

In the fall of 2005, Wilderness North guest Robert D of Tulsa Okalahoma, caught and released what he calls, “ a fish of lifetime”  It just so happened that in two other boats in his party where friends with digital cameras. They caught the moment on both video and in still photos. He’s watched that video over and over. Wouldn’t you?

Bob measured the fish at 50” and registered the photos with the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters . He received a nice certificate, pin and shirt patch, and thought that was the end of it all.

Well think again! In February 2006, both Bob and Wilderness North were notified that his “fish of lifetime” was the largest northern pike registered with OFAH in 2005.  “And that’s no small feat, said Rhonda Barkely of the OFAH,  since 4000 registrations were received from 250 lodges.”

Here are the facts: 
Location:           Wilderness North’s Strikers Point Lodge – Whitewater Lake
Date:               Sept 18, 2005
Time:               8:45AM
Conditions:         Overcast/ mist  –  light southerly winds  –  50 degress F
Lure:               Mepps #4 Inline Spinner with green grub tail.
Tackle:             Bass Pro Shop Spinning Rod and Reel.

Congratulations to Bob…

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