Miminiska Double Header - Wilderness North

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Miminiska Double Header

The father son combo from Tennessee joined us once again for a mid season break and some awesome fishing. Mike and Austin are long time guests of ours, having visited both Mim and Striker’s in the past.

The week started out perfect with Mike quickly getting on the board with both a 28 inch walleye and 40 inch pike. The walleye was caught and release by Church Island and the pike was caught and released in a bay behind the lodge.

The guys experienced all kinds of weather patterns, sun, heat, wind and of course some rain. On the second last day, as the boys we just heading in for the afternoon, Austin hooked into a big catch as he was reeling in. A beaut 44 inch pike was caught and released in 2 feet of water! This all happened behind the island, in front of the lodge, by the beaver dam.

Both pike were caught on Johnson Silver minnow spoons and Mike’s big ‘eye was caught on a hot n tot.

Look forward to hosting you both next year!

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