Here it is pre-Spring. Or is it actually Spring? We are not so foolish to think we won’t have another snow squall or blast of cold air. HOWEVER it is very warm today – 60 degrees-f. Global or not, this warmth foretells of an early Spring for Ontario. Ice is out here in Thunder Bay, the big ore ships are plying the Great Lakes as they have for over a month, and our Waweig Lake base camp near Armstrong is clear of ice. We have put our DeHavilland Otters on floats.
The fact that we are only five weeks away from first guests is exciting to us. Our management teams are busy getting boats, buildings and equipment on line. So what does this mean for our guests? For one thing, it gives us a chance to get out to our remote cabins and lodges and do the pre-opening cleaning and fix ups.
Our plans to install and have wireless solar powered internet at our outpost cabins and lodges is still on track. However, we do need the time to test this equipment to make sure it is compatible with your i-Pad, i-Phone, Blackberry or portable computer. Which destinations are first? We think Zig Zag, Dawn, and D’Alton for sure. If those tests go well, the others are not far behind. Will they all be working in May – well, fingers are crossed!
Joe’s column on his fishing tackle box choices should be a good starting point for you in planning your packing. Joe reminds you that you do NOT need to bring 100 pounds of tackle on your adventure. In fact, our pro shops will be stocked with items from Joe’s preferred lists, as well as other items for you. So traveling light is a good idea.
Speaking of weights – we want to be clear. You can bring what ever you want, including the kitchen sink :). However, each guest has an allowed weight amount for their adventure, and weights that exceed these included weights can fly out on a special charter, if you so desire. Your included weight is listed at the website by destination or in our trip planning guides. These weight guidelines allow us to fly safe and fly legal.
You can still get in on WilderBucks. If you book your trip now, and pay in full by May 1, 2010, each member of your party will have $100 Wilder Bucks to purchase items from our newly remodeled pro shops or for live bait, guide services, and rental items. Joe can give you more details when you chat with him.
I always value your comments and questions. Send them to me here or call at 888 465 3474.