Whitewater Lake Delivers 51 Inch Pike - Wilderness North

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Whitewater Lake Delivers 51 Inch Pike

Tyler with Albany Brook TroutWhat a great week here at Striker’s Point Lodge on Whitewater Lake. Beautiful weather, lot’s of enormous fish, and unbelievable numbers.

Dan of Wisconsin could never have imagined what was in store for him when guide Nick Tomberg took him into a bay just behind Best Island. After 3 casts it happened, a brutish 51 in Northern ripped his weedless 5 of diamonds.  The monster was taken in about 11 feet of water just on the edge of some lily pads. Congratulations Dan!!

Jim K Aug 20 SPL 08Also with us last week was Ron “Mr. Walleye ” Detjen and his friends out of Wisconsin. These guys had an incredible knack for locating active Walleye and staying on them. They averaged about 200-300 fish a day including three pigs. Jim landed a 27in, and a 30in Walleye. Ron produced a hefty 28in as well. They were targeting “hump ” areas, or mid-lake structure not connected to anything. One of the key tickets for them was live leeches and also varying their jigging methods from either vertical or drag presentations.

Frank Wheatlake brought his family members up for a nice four-day getaway last week and what a blast they had. Rick of Michigan waited until the last day of his trip to exhibit his Piking skills. He caught a 35in, a 37in, and a 38.5in all in the matter of a couple hours trolling a silver Williams Whitefish in depths of 14-23ft of water off of rocky islands. His father Fred bested him, however, with a 40in beauty caught while trolling a classic red and white daredevil in about 7ft of weedy water.

I can’t wait to see what this week will bring with more great weather forecasted and 10 boats on the water!
…Tyler Lancaster

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