Good Choice of Words
We had another fairly abrupt change in the weather on the weekend. Temperatures on Saturday were in the low 70s, almost average for this time of the season to cooler with very strong winds on Sunday. The new air mass can only be called “cold”. Temperatures in the last days have struggled to make 55 degrees. It changes again today, but only briefly. Expect sun and temperatures in the low 70s in the south and probably a little warmer – mid-70s around Miminiska.
Thursday to Saturday
Expect unsettled weather: Showers and cool temperatures. The sun returns on Saturday with more sun and warmer conditions on Sunday and early in the coming week.
The hesitant summer
Recent weather has been cool and changeable, more like late spring. People, including those with lots of experience with camping, talk about a “summer pattern”. Summers do not have the same pattern for 3 months and changes every few days are usual. Blocking highs that feature warmth and sun stop this usual parade of systems although they are a little bit like a recession. You are in it before you can say you have one.