The Week of May 25th
Mojikit Channel Lodge is located on Mojikit Lake which opens into the Ogoki Reservoir. Every year we have guests make the pilgrimage to experience the beautiful lake and all of it’s exploits. Tim and Nate D., a father and son team came back for another week at Moj. They had a fantastic time, catching good amounts of all species and catching trophies too. Nate hiked up to the dam and hit a grand slam, catching walleye, pike, whitefish and a famously native and wild 20” brook trout. Nine fishermen from New York state were here for only a week and managed to catch over 2000 walleye! That is not a typo! These were mostly caught in 7-10 feet in murky water. Plus, Michael B. netted and released three trophy pike; a 45, a 40.5, and a 40 incher from the channel right by the camp. The weather was cool, cloudy and the chop was “just perfect.” Mojikit continues to be a fan favourite and Bob, our lodge manager is the conductor behind it all.