Gord's Tips Applied to Whitewater Lake - Wilderness North

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Gord’s Tips Applied to Whitewater Lake

Another open water walleye season is drawing near. Anglers across North America are happy with that thought, including myself. It’s time to get the walleye bag out, re-organize, add items, subtract some, and while doing this, reflect on the past seasons successes and for some, its failures. Whatever the case, it’s a chance to make some decisions on what tactics and techniques you’ll use, and what will make the cut in your bag this year. For many, easiest is best, but those that like to experiment, be creative, and try harder, are the ones who are rewarded with huge numbers, or bigger fish. Paying heed to Gord’s latest article that outlines several different tips and tricks, let’s go ahead and make some of these site specific at some of my favorite spots on Whitewater Lake

Fishing windblown shorelines:

Fishing windblown shorelines is a fairly well known practice. Far too many people fail to see how beneficial it can be, simply by not fishing the right shoreline, and if they are, they’re not getting in tight enough. Choose shorelines that are close to or lined up with the wind from another productive location. One location that immediately comes to mind on Whitewater Lake is the first large point west of Striker’s Point Lodge. This point comes out off of Bear Island and extends south and holds large numbers of fish throughout most of the season. I have fished it extensively and learned that wind and wave action most definitely predict where the fish will be. With a strong west wind you can find Walleye piled up on the west edge of the point and island. Last season I can recall a time where we almost missed them. I was fishing the west, windblown side, but wasn’t getting in close enough. Thanks to the ambitious long distance casting of a guest in my boat, we were able to locate the active fish in 2 feet of water and less, hugging tight. We caught over 100 fish that morning. Some other shorelines that can turn into frenzy zones with the right wind include:

  • South Point (east and west side) of the largest central island in the western basin (straight across from Burnt Island).
  • Back side of Best Island (the rocky section of shoreline straight across from the White Cabins).
  • Small Island straight out from lodge.

Fish a Tube Jig or Larger Plastic:

If you’re considering mixing it up this season or perhaps promising yourself you’ll spend more time targeting ‘bigger’ fish, don’t overlook Tube Jigs and other ‘non twister tail’ type plastics. As Gord mentions, some of the larger walleye tend to space themselves out from the group searching for alternative or larger forage. It is always wise to work the perimeter of your ‘chosen zone’. A tube is a fantastic way to target these fish. A larger profile then your typical jig and tail allows it to be spotted easy, and an erratic swim and fall pattern help trigger “reaction” strikes, from fish that have seen everything else. A prime area on Whitewater that comes to mind is “the falls”. I have used tubes there, and crushed walleye. I have also watched as other guys have upsized to 4-6” soft plastic swim baits to root out the trophies. Try out front of the shorelines that run perpendicular to the falls and when you are drifting out of the current, don’t stop short. Fish are naturally attracted to transition zones, and where the current eventually peters out, is one. Some other tubeable locations include:

  • The narrows (the eddys, deeper holes).
  • The Ogoki River inflow.
  • North side of the whirlpool (Ogoki outflow).
  • And definitely, the “Grassy Knoll”

Remember that paying particular attention to the wind direction, the wave action, and that getting creative/ experimental can put more fish pics on your Iphone this year.

Long casts,

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