ZigZag & Dawn Deliver Trophies - Wilderness North

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ZigZag & Dawn Deliver Trophies

Aug8 Master Anglers, Wilderness North 2006Two More Lakes Deliver Trophies.
Most of our readers know that we have recorded trophy fish every week in the 2006 season. Well managed fisheries is the reason. With 13 outpost cabins, and 3 lodges, we are Ontario’s largest and most flexible fly in fishing adventure provider. Our strategy is to provide guests options, information, and genuine value for their adventure dollar.

Guests to both Dawn Lake and Zig Zag Lake prove the point. Both are isolated, remote, and predictable fisheries. Just ask Bob Menza of  Michigan. His group of four just came back from Zig Zag Lake. Each of them ( Bob Menza, Milt Krznarich, Michael Kusz and Bob Usitalo) caught and released trophy Walleye over 26 inches. So they all took home the honorary gold Master Angler’s pin they’re holding in the picture. Bob told us the group caught over 1500 walleye in their five-day trip, and most on Crescent Lake, the southern  lake adjacent to Zig Zag …and mostly on worm harnesses and slip-bobber rigs. Bob (Photo with 28” Walleye) and his gang are experienced anglers, and they’ve all ready reserved their return trip for 2007.

Now let’s talk about a different lake and different anglers. Dawn Lake. Again here’s one cabin on a small lake, and like the Menza party our guests were from the U.S. Neither had ever fished in Canada before. The Manz’s of North Dakota chose Dawn Lake for it’s privacy, and for it’s isolation. They liked the criss-cross lake layout, especially on windy days. They’re both good anglers, but when Deanna hooked up this big (40.5”) Northern Pike, she gladly delegated the “de-hooking” and “holding for the photo” chores to her husband. She caught this big girl on a blue and pink Rapala diving crank-bait.

Both the Menzas and Manzs have a lot in common. (other than having M’s and Z’s in their names.) They want to be in a low pressure fishing environment. They like the outpost idea, so they can fish and eat and sleep on their schedule. They want a small lake AND they want big bites. And both Zig Zag and Dawn Lake delivered.

Alan CheesemanWhen you head over to the Outpost Cabin section of the website, you’ll find even more outpost cabin choices…we know these little fisheries and we love to share them and the inside information about them with every guest before they get on the plane for their fly-in adventure. Just ask the Menzas and Manz’s, first hand knowledge sure pays off.

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