So What Else You Got? - Wilderness North

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So What Else You Got?

Sturgeon, Wilderness North 2006We hear that question from time to time about the fish our guests catch. What else, besides Walleye and Pike? Some of our lakes have lake trout. Some have spring and fall brookies. There is an occasional perch or whitefish. And then there are sturgeons, the prehistoric vacuum cleaners of fresh water. A bottom feeder that can grow oh so big. Just ask David Trerotola of Pennsylvania. He measured this Whitewater lake monster at 60 inches. He caught (snagged actually, they don’t really bite) it on six pound test line and a 3/8 ounce jig.

We mentioned earlier about the continued excellent fishing in early summer and the number of Master Anglers we are adding to our elite group each week (To be a Master Angler you must catch and release a pike 40” or longer…and/or a 26” or longer Walleye). So anyway…I get a real kick out of seeing the smiles on the faces of our guests as they receive their gold or silver hat pin…and fill out their MA registration papers. But I really get a kick out of it when I see young men and women and their parents enjoying the honor together. The photos below say it all. Congrats the Trerotola boys for their great trip to Striker’s Point Lodge…and to their dads who know there’s more to raising kids than “game boys” and computers.
Family Fishing 2006

Armstrong Fire FightersAnd one final thought. We are coming to that time of the summer when our fire danger is high. 70% of these dangerous forest fires are caused by lightning. And 30% by man. Currently we are NOT under a “burn ban”, but in the event officials feel it’s too risky to have camp fires and shore lunches over open wood fires, we alert our guests and provide propane stoves as they are available.

Thanks to the Armstrong Fire Attack District for protecting our lives and our properties,

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