What A Year! - Wilderness North

Celebrating 30 Years of Wilderness North  –          

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What A Year!

What a year it was! 2016 is definitely one for the ages, and the books!  As we sit here, watching it snow, overlooking the frozen Sleeping Giant, all of us here at Wilderness North look back at the story of our summer 2016 and smile! Our little slice of outdoor heaven brought laughter, memories and most importantly family and friends together doing what we love – playing outside.

The summer that was 2016 was a busy one with guests coming from far and wide.  Many groups from Canada and the US joined us to enjoy our incredible fishing and we were very happy to host guests from as far as New Zealand, South Africa, Taiwan and Germany!  The looks on their faces when they experienced “our” Canada for the first time was priceless and something we all won’t soon forget.  We look forward to many international returns in the future!

So how was the fishing?  Well, we are ecstatic to say that our conservation measures are continuing to produce true trophies in our waters! Our guest’s comments are proof enough: “I’ve never seen as many 18 to 22 inch walleye landed in my life”, “I caught the most fish ever this year”, “I could see she was the same old girl I landed last summer”, and “We caught all the fish we wanted”.

Congratulations and thank you to everyone for helping to look after our resources!

We had numerous trophies caught and released this last season. According to the fish data recorded, our biggest of all 3 species for this past summer are:

Northern Pike –Striker’s Point Lodge- 47 inches (George S., Utica, MI)

Walleye –D’Alton Lake- 30.5 inches (Chris C., Newark, IL)

Brook Trout –Miminiska Lodge– 7 lbs (Shaun L., Bozeman, MT)

After looking at size, quantities have also proved very successful, with groups at most locations (lodges and outposts) noting honey holes producing hundreds of walleye daily! It continues to show that our conservation efforts are paying dividends.

Even though we are all in the grips of winter, you can still experience all that we have to offer on our social media avenues! So look us up on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. We post new articles and videos every week year-round. So you can stay in touch, interact and join the conversation!  We wish you a fantastic year and look forward to The Story of our Summer 2017!

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