Voracious... - Wilderness North

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Mark Snyder, Project Healing WatersThaťs just one of the ways the web-host and editor of www.nativebrooktrout.com describes those pesky pike he kept catching while fishing the Albany River watershed in mid July. Mark Snyder tells his story on this week’s podcast and gives fly fishing anglers a heads up on rod weight, and lure/fly selection that gave him the trophy Brookie he came to find in Canada. Mark lives in the greater Washington D.C. area, and as a brook trout enthusiast, he has fished the streams of New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Maryland since he was a boy. His recent trip to Ontario opened the door to trout, walleye…and… yes, those voracious pike.

Plus the podcast hands the microphone to Gord Ellis who discusses his special technique for catching walleye with a fly rod. His article, Walleye on the Fly, is now available on the website. Gord and Mark will serve as teacher, guide, and coach at our Fly Fishing Adventure and School at Miminiska Lodge. August 27-31, 2007

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