Things You Should Know Before Traveling to Canada - Wilderness North

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Things You Should Know Before Traveling to Canada

Traveling north from the USA to Canada is an experience packed with breathtaking scenery, diverse cultures, and friendly citizens. But crossing the border takes more than simply taking your luggage and driving across the border. It takes lots of planning and preparation in order to navigate all of its complexities. With this article we are going to try to save you time on your planning process so you can cross the border without any issues.


So what do you need to enter Canada? All you need to enter Canada is a valid U.S. passport, and if you are traveling with someone 15 years or older or under they don’t need a passport, but they do need their birth certificate. If you have a criminal record you will need to get a Temporary Resident Permit before you are able to enter Canada.


What do you need if you want to drive in Canada? To drive in Canada all you need is your valid state driver’s license, if you are bringing your own can you also need your vehicle’s insurance and registration/license plate all of which need to be valid. If you want to drive a boat and aren’t staying longer than 45 days in a row, you don’t need any license to operate the boat.


Can you bring your pet into Canada? Yes you can bring dogs and cats as long as you have a valid rabies vaccination certificate that has been given and signed within the last 3 years for each one.


Can you bring alcohol and tobacco into Canada? Yes but there are some restrictions. For alcohol you can bring 53oz/1.5L of wine, or 40oz/1.13L of Liquor, or 287oz/8.5L of beer. For tobacco you can bring 200 cigarettes, or 50 cigars, or or 200 tobacco sticks, or 7oz/200g of manufactured tobacco.


Can you bring firearms? Yes you can but it must be a long rifle or shotgun, and a maximum of 200 rounds only used for hunting, so you must have a hunt booked if you bring one of these firearms. No handguns, automatic or modified weapons are allowed in Canada.


Can you use American currency in Canada? It depends if the business accepts that money. Businesses have the choice to accept and refuse currency, and if they do accept the currency they can use their own exchange rate. (so getting your money exchanged at a bank is a better option)


Do you need a Hunting/Fishing License? Yes you are required to have a valid outdoor card and a valid fishing or hunting license. To buy yours you can click here. For a hunting license you need to bring a copy of an expired or current hunting license from any state. 


Can you bring live bait into the country? No, you cannot bring any live bait over the border, but you can order some from Wilderness North. 


Is health care free for people traveling to Canada? No, sadly it is not free for people traveling to Canada. Health and emergency services will not refuse services when you need them, but you will be charged. You should check with your health insurer to see if you have a policy covering unexpected medical services you may need while visiting Canada.

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