…of mice and men, do often go astray.
No – I have not been sniffing exhaust from the DeHavilland Otter. I am thinking of this week’s podcast featuring the voice of Chris Clemmons. Yes, that Chris Clemmons! Winner of last year’s Walleye National Team Championship (and half share in a new Ranger Boat as well as $30,000.) Listen to the podcast now.
Just a couple of weeks ago – before his annual trip – Chris shared his advance plan for approaching big Whitewater Lake in the Wabakimi Park with us. “Find moving water, cold and rich in oxygen,” he said. “Look for walleyes in the shallow grass. Fish, don’t read fishing magazines,” Chris told us, “… so break the rules a little.” That was then – This is Now!
So, about that headline from Robert Burns poem, To A Mouse. Once Chris and his group got to the western end of the 26,000 acre Ogoki River based Whitewater Lake – well, good bye plan. Perhaps Charles Darwin’s quote is the best set up of all for the Clemmons’ interview. “It is not the biggest or strongest creature in nature that survives – but the one that is most adaptable to change.”
Anyway. These six smiling Master Anglers in the photo are proof positive that while fish may not read… a little lesson from the literary world goes a long way in helping anglers succeed here in Northwestern Ontario’s Boreal forest. Listen and learn.
Photos – Please – Photos:
We are again issuing the call for your photos from your trip to Northwest Ontario. While we always get plenty of the “grin and grip” – angler and fish shots, its the natural beauty and the wildlife that we’re looking for as well – for our 2011 calendar. If your photo is selected as a “main page” photo, we’ll send you a Wilderness North cold weather vest. You may attach these photos in an e-mail to us – in the highest resolution you have. Don’t forget to include your name, mailing address, and phone number. I look forward to seeing your pics soon…and thanks in advance. Click here to start the e-mail.
I always value hearing from you, and answering your questions, so drop me an e-mail by clicking here. –Alan