The change of season is well underway here in Northern Ontario and it feels like its going to be a dramatic swing, which is really more the…
No strangers to Wilderness North, Chris and his party recently fished D’Alton Lake and it was just like coming home. It didn’t take long to get their…
At Striker’s Point on Whitewater Lake, the big girls are still out to play especially around the Ogoki River. Deep, shallow, weeds, rocks, you name it the…
Seeking the natural splendour of Dawn Lake, Jim & Debbie enjoyed some great late season catch and release fishing and reported seeing lots of 6 -8in walleye.…
No strangers to the remote waters of Zig Zag Lake, Mike and his sons returned this year for another fantastic fishing adventure and a chance at spending some…
This past week the anglers here at Miminiska have enjoyed excellent fishing. The walleye continue to be hauled in by the dozens and we’ve had some big northern’s…
It was a successful week out at Striker’s with several groups out on the water. Proving that he sure knows his way around Whitewater, Par and his…
What a busy season it’s been here at Makok! A lot of times our guests have worked as hard as the staff, but I’ve never heard any of…
Yet another great week of fishing here a Striker’s Point. To start off, this week we congratulated two master anglers: Ben P, for landing a 40in pike…