Albany River Archives - Wilderness North

Celebrating 30 Years of Wilderness North  –          

Albany River Lake Report

During our second full week with guests at Makokibatan the weather didn’t improve very much, but the fishing sure did. We think it is those rising water temperatures.  And…

He’s For the Birds

Dr. Jeff Wells is the Senior Scientist for the International Boreal Conservation Campaign and Boreal Songbird Initiative, non-profit organizations working for the conservation of North America’s boreal forest. After…

Meet Eddie Nickens

His formal name, Edward T. Nickens, sounds more like a high school principal’s than the outdoorsmen you find beneath the veneer of such a distinguished name. He…

Bird Bonus in the Boreal

A few months ago I received an e-mail from a guy named Edward T.  Nickens. “Eddie” told me he was coming up to Ontario from North Carolina…

High Water – Fast Water

Last week, Mark Snyder, an experienced and enthusiastic fly fisherman became the first angler of 2008 to take on the Keezhik River from out at Miminiska Lodge. Mark…

Fishing and Learning

-Embracing our First Nation Neighbours There’s fishing here all right…and plenty of it. After all, that’s the main reason our guests come to our outposts and lodges.…

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