Surf & Turf - Wilderness North

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Surf & Turf

Krista cooking, Wilderness North staffThis past month, we’ve had some great success with the fall moose hunt. Temperatures for the first time in years have been conducive to moose movement. We have seen frost, snow, rain, sleet etc. -All perfect for tracking, calling out, and bagging a moose. Dawn Lake, among other locations, has been great for hunting this year. When the boys came out we chatted about their time in the bush. They mentioned that somehow, the tenderloin of the moose they harvested didn’t make it. They did however have quite the feast of moose and fish-Dawn Lake’s own surf and turf -which might have had something to do with it… It was a pleasure meeting Ken, Ed, Joe, & Dan, and we hope to see them again next year.

This week’s recipe features a scrumptious way to prepare moose or any wild game. Pair it with your favourite fish and WINE, and voila! Deliciousness. With this week’s selection, I recommend pairing with a Chilean Cabernet Sauvignon…Errazuriz Max Reserva.

Happy Cooking!

Dawn Lake Surf & Turf

bacon wrapped tenderloin, Wilderness NorthIngredients:

  • 2 lbs moose tenderloins (or any wild game tenderloin)
  • 1/2 lb bacon (Plain, thin-sliced)
  • 3 cups dark brown sugar
  • 2 cups soy sauce (Regular NOT low-sodium. You’ll want the saltiness)
  • 1/4 cup white sugar (Optional for added Sweetness)


  • Mix brown sugar and soy sauce together in a bowl, combine into a soupy soy liquid.
  • Place tenderloins in a cooking tray and pour mixture over loin, flipping once to completely cover
  • Marinate meat in mixture for 3 hours + or overnight in fridge if you have the time. Use a Food Saver or other vacuum device to seal the meat with marinade and achieve an overnight soak in just a couple hours.
  • Preheat oven to 350*F and remove loins from fridge.
  • Remove loins from tray, and place on a broiler pan or wire rack with a drip pan below to catch drippings. Don’t throw away marinade.
  • Wrap a piece of bacon around the very end of the tenderloin, and secure with a toothpick.
  • Repeat this process until the entire loin is wrapped in ten or so bacon “loops.” The tenderloin should look like an arm with a bunch of bacon wrist watches on it.
  • Drizzle remaining marinade over loin. Have a brush or turkey baster on hand to continually baste during cooking process.
  • Medium-Well: Bake on centre rack at 350°F for 30-40* minutes then use option 1 or 2 for crust
  • Rare-Medium Rare: (my preferred choice) Bake for 25-30 minutes then use option 2 for crust
    • OPTION 1 – after 20-30 min lightly dust the top of the loin with white sugar creating a sweet crust on top of the bacon. Try doing it on just HALF of the loin to see if you like it.
    • OPTION 2 – For a crispier crust and crispier bacon, remove loin from oven and place directly on grill over medium-high heat searing the bacon and outer loin. (It’s a great step for those of us who like a cooked crust and a pink center).
  • Remove from oven and place on cutting board. Using a knife, cut the loin between each bacon strip to create separate medallions each with its own toothpick. 
  • Eat directly off the toothpick or remove the toothpick and eat like a steak. Serve with mashed potatoes or your favourite grilled vegetables.
  • Serve leftovers on fresh buns with spicy BBQ sauce for an awesome sandwich
  • Enjoy, you can thank me later.

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