Summer on the Albany River - Wilderness North

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Summer on the Albany River

Wilderness North staffThis week was another great week at Makokibatan Lodge, despite all kinds of weather patterns. We sure saw it all! Cool mornings, rainy days and scorching temperatures.

We hosted groups at both the lodge and outpost this past week. The Carroll Party from Georgia and the Miller party from Illinois were guests at the lodge. The Hugill party from New York were at the outpost. Everyone enjoyed exceptional fishing.

The Hugill’s had a great week catching 11 Master Angler walleyes ranging from 26+ inches to 29 inches. Congrats to Ed Jackson with the big 29 inch beaut!

Wilderness North fly in fishingFirst Nation Guides Eli, Errol, and Isaac have had a busy week on the lake, guiding groups every day. The guys have been busy sharing their secret spots, cooking up some tasty shore lunches, and entertaining guests with both stories and music. Senior Guide Eli Baxter believes that with the low water, trips down the river for brookies are not possible anymore. But, in true Eli fashion, he is still able to find the brook trout.
…. Meryl & Bernard

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