So satisfied…nope that doesn’t quite say it. - Wilderness North

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So satisfied…nope that doesn’t quite say it.

I love the monthly e-mails because it keeps Wilderness North memories in my mind when I am many months away from the annual Syers pilgrimage to Sunset country. I appreciate that you have reupped and invested  in Miminiska by upgrading several of the cabins. I treasure the delicate balance your people seem to have reached between being too involved with the guests or just letting them be if they are experienced enough to know what they want.  Your guests can get expert advice and tips to get them on the fish or they can just show up for meals. You have practically mastered the art of measuring the degree of involvement that most are seeking. And whether its Tyler years ago or Brian and his team at Miminiska this past year… there is a consistency and warmth that makes us feel so much more than being one of  hundreds of guests having a the same experience.  I enjoy seeing Alan and Krista even if it’s just for a few moments as they multi-task.

We’ve voted for Wilderness North since the Liddles. The only year we didn’t come was because we literally couldn’t get into Striker’s during the week that Mark locked in his vacation with his employer. So satisfied…nope that doesn’t quite say it. To have sustained the level of excellence with consistency over a period between 15-20 years and to make these trips the stuff of dreams and to do all this while carefully managing a fishery so that a man of modest fishing talents like me can consistently catch more than my fair share of fish (remember now, that’s why we are supposed to be coming after all?), well that’s just what you do!!!

-William (Doc) Syers

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