Whitewater Lodge
Spring has finally taken hold at Whitewater Lodge after a valiant battle with winter. With that, the ice is off and our first set of guests arrived. Though winter is still fighting back a bit with respect to water temperatures, things did pick up during the week and some fantastic fishing was had by all. Sunday Wilderness North guest Rob released a 40” northern pike, while his son Adam released a very respectful 36” fish. Walleye, being typical Whitewater Lodge walleye were there to play and saw Adam release a 21” fish.
From the Baith group, things were much the same as they had the pleasure of getting slimed by a 19.5 pound, 41” northern and a wonderful 24” walleye… The numbers are coming with the rising temperatures and things are shaping up for an incredible spring. If you’re going into any Wilderness North Camp in the next few weeks, keep your polarized glasses handy while you search for resting northerns in dark bottomed shallow bays. That what you may think is a log, could actually be a fish of a lifetime! Make that cast!
Good Fishing!
Boyce Randell