Record Pike - A Sure Sign of Fall - Wilderness North

Celebrating 30 Years of Wilderness North  –          

Record Pike – A Sure Sign of Fall

Alan Cheeseman -Wilderness North presidentAs I have watched our seasons unfold over the years, there is one pattern that you can take to the bank.  Big fish trigger autumn. Or is it the other way? Fish biologists tell us that it is the combination of shorter days and cooler water temps. Sometimes I think it is the opening up of schools in US. Anyway, it seems to happen about or just after August 20 every year. And this past week was no exception.Daredevil lure Jeff from Wisconsin was this year’s lucky angler. His 50.5 inch pike caught on an Eppinger’s red & white Daredevil Lure up on big Whitewater Lake, proves the point.

Our podcast with Jeff unveils not one, but two Master Angler Pike stories from Jeff’s first ever fly in trip to Canada. In the chat, he tells us that he was “geared up” for a big fish being a Muskie angler…but oh what a fight. His second fish – the 41 inch northern – was caught on 6# test line, no leader, and a jig and minnow for bait. Listen in to learn from this Master Angler.

OFAHLogoOh, did I tell you, his big pike was the first catch of his trip, with less than 30 minutes in the boat? So, is it luck or skill? I think the answer is – both. I have always believed that good luck happens when opportunity meets preparation, and Jeff was prepared. Plus we all have a tendency to slow down when fishing in strange fishing water and he did just that. The slow deep pattern proved the winning strategy. Like most good sportsman, Jeff
OFAH awardquickly got his picture, and returned both big girls to the water – thus earning his Master Angler Trophy pins. Plus we will register his catches with the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters…and who knows – come January 1, Jeff could be named Big Pike Master Angler of Year.

Congrats on your trophy catches, and as always its great to hear from our guests
….Alan Cheeseman


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