Project Healing Waters - Wilderness North

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Project Healing Waters

Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing, Inc. a certified 501-c non profit organization is dedicated to the physical and emotional rehabilitation of disabled active duty military personnel and veterans through fly fishing and fly tying education and outings.

Fly-tying and casting sessions give wounded soldiers hope and confidence. Fishing trips and tournaments encourage veterans to pursue outdoor activities. Complete information  is available at their website:


They’re Coming Back in ’09
It was just a year ago that we announced a special event to be staged at our Miminiska Lodge on the Albany River. We had just learned about a group called Project Healing Waters, from Mark Snyder a frequent guest from Washington DC. Once we learned about the group, we set aside rooms, food, flights, and boats to welcome a group of ten soldiers.

Both Mark and I will bring you up to date on PHW in this week’s podcast – listen now.

Guests, friends, and corporations joined us in giving services and money to fly the soldiers here for their “Healing on the Albany” week in the cool green boreal forest of Ontario. We have decided to host our second such trip in 2009. The dates are July 11-17

Krista Cheeseman, Wilderness NorthOnce again wounded soldiers from both the US and Canada will be our guests, with Mark as their trip coordinator. It will be my pleasure to coordinate the event here in Canada. Click here to learn more about last year’s event</a>. To donate – and your financial help is needed – please e-mail me with your questions or your pledge.

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