Project Healing Waters - Wilderness North

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Project Healing Waters

Thanks Ed
Thanks Bob
Thanks American Airlines

Honouring PWH pilotsEd Newby and Bob Buttgen are retired American Airlines pilots. They own their own airplanes and live in the greater Chicago-land area. When they first heard of our idea to fly wounded soldiers to Miminiska Lodge for a Project Healing Waters event, they stepped up with their planes, their fuel, their time, and their talents. On July 12, they flew our group of eight to Thunder Bay. They promised they would, and they kept that promise.

We are so grateful!
On the last night of the Healing On The Albany event, PHW coordinator Mark Snyder, gave both of them a special fly-rod and case from PHW, as a tiny way of saying thanks for helping in a big way.

It was Ed Newby who made arrangements with American Airlines to round up the soldiers from accross the USA – free of charge – and bring them to Chicago and return them safely home at the end of the event.
Talk About Good Corporate Citizens !

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