Ten Soldiers – Five American and Five Canadian arrive at – Miminiska Lodge on the Albany River this Saturday. The event is called “Healing On The Albany” and opens the door to the boreal forest of Northwestern Ontario to these soldiers recovering from battlefield injuries.
Two generous private pilots from the greater Chicago area, will fly the US soldiers up, after American Airlines flies them at no charge to Chicago from:
San Antonio,TX, Hickory, NC, Roanoke, VA, Pittsburg, PA, and Washington, DC.
The Canadians, are coming from British Columbia, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan. All participants will be outfitted by donated Orvis Endorsed gear – all of this years fly gear from Orvis, the big American Fly Fishing Company – has arrived, and travel arrangements have been finalized. We are now ready for each soldier’s July 10 arrival – and then a flight up to Mim on the 11th for Healing on the Albany.