It's Only a Paper Moon. Or is it? - Wilderness North

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It’s Only a Paper Moon. Or is it?

Albert's 41in Pike, Wilderness North 2006

We promised you a report on new moon fishing, and our guests who were on the water June 25th … are all back out now. In a word- Wow ! A dozen pike over 40” were recorded between the 24th and 26th. The Ogoki Reservoir (near Mojikit Lake) coughed up four on the evening of the 25th alone. For example this nice 41 that Albert Parr caught and released. The Jansen party from Michigan caught three pike over 40 at Ogoki Lake. All these trophies were released alive. Our next new moon is July 25th…in the heart of summer.

Rylander's, Wilderness North 2006Speaking of Ogoki Lake: the father – sons trip of the Rylanders from Tennessee proved to be more fun than we could imagine. They reported catching and releasing 30 pike in two hours in the southeastern bays of the lake, and also said that walleye, in the 17-24 inch range, were plentiful in the river or the mouth of the river. They had never been on the lake before this trip.

Wilderness North Master Anglers 2006Zig Zag Trophies: similar reports are in from Zig Zag Lake, where the Secker party registered two Trophy Walleye. John’s was 28in and Jeffry Murray’s was 26in. Both of these anglers are from upstate New York.

Now about other matters: I have shared with Krista, that in order to rise to her level of fishing, I should fish more often. After all “practice makes perfect.” I didn’t hear her exact reply …she seemed to be mumbling, and didn’t want to ask her to repeat it. So what does it mean when a woman raises one eyebrow…while the other one stays down? Anyway, I went fishing Sunday for just a few teeny tiny hours. The fishing was quiet…sort of like things at home right now.

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