Wilderness North's weather outlook for those on the water

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Official Start to Summer

While some people declare that the summer season begins on the May long weekend, Meteorologists and other weather types state that the three warmest months are June, July and August so for us weather people summer begins on June 1. Astronomers are more hesitant and wait until the Summer Solstice, which happens on June 21 this year and marks the official start of the summer season.

Summer has now begun no matter where you fit in this spectrum. Yes, this late spring or early summer featured frequent cool and wet weather, but it is now time to move on. Less than one week ago temperatures in the North were perilously close to freezing and Armstrong did have a couple of frosty mornings.

The present position of jet streams suggests that a summer pattern has established. Expect slightly warmer than normal temperatures in the coming week and it looks like warm and humid conditions are in the cards for the following week.

While most picture summer as bright sun and clear skies, a summer pattern however does not mean a lack of rain. In fact, warm and humid air can produce periods of heavy rain and associated severe weather with the right triggers. In other words, keep a shoreline destination in mind when on the lakes.

Happy summer fishing,

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