New Moon + Cooler Temps = Good Fishing! - Wilderness North

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New Moon + Cooler Temps = Good Fishing!

Walleyes show up and pike perk up: Red and White Dare-Devles and that Old Devil Moon! Now there’s a perfect combo

WN Guests 2007Little Lakes. Big Lakes. Shallow Water. Deep Water. Live bait. Artificial…You decide.
Guests tell us they found excellent fishing in all of these conditions this past week. The only common factors were that first new moon of the season, and the consistently cooler, cloudier weather. Returning guests are our best way to compare one year’s fishing to another’s. And two groups that have been fishing Ogoki Lake for years, the Funk party, from Indiana and the Lewer group, from North Carolina, both claimed that this past week was their best fishing trip EVER. Both groups have been our guests for over five years and say “best ever” was true for both quantity and quality, with trophy pike and walleye from both groups.

The report from both Makokibatan and Miminiska Lodge on the Albany River says the walleye are numerous with a third of
the fish being caught in 20”+ group. We have learned that when comparing our two new Albany River watershed
destinations to our Ogoki River watershed lodges and outposts, the Albany area will run about a week behind on the arrival of spring weather and a week early as fall makes it’s mid August debut.

Moon Phases 2007Just a month ago we were preparing guests for the summer of shallow water. Today shallow water is NOT an issue. Lakes are at full pool, or higher. So what about that new moon? Believers in the Solunar tables will tell you the New and Full Moon are key days for anglers. When moonrise and sunrise or sunset and moonset occur at or nearly the same time, feeding is especially voracious. Check out this great article on Solunar Tables, called the Real Scoop.

Circle July 15th through the 19th, as being “hot” fishing days next month. Our chart of Sunrise-Sunset-Moonrise and Moonset times and prime fishing days for all of 2007 can also be found here on our website.

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