Fishing Report from Wilderness North's Miminiska Lodge

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Miminiska’s Good to Go!

Hey folks!
Miminiska Lodge is great this time of year with all the wonderful joys brought about by nice weather, great scenery, and of course spectacular fishing! Our experienced and dedicated team at Wilderness North strives hard to make lodge life as comfortable as possible and offer high quality fishing experiences -If you need anything don’t hesitate to ask. With sparkling clean boats, tight lines, great food, and a variety of choices to unwind in the evening – including a wood fired sauna– what more could you ask for?  Come make your own memories at this unique spot.For those of you heading up to the Albany,
I hope you enjoy your stay at Miminiska Lodge… I sure am!

With the massive amount of gardening, house cleaning, and general maintenance out of the way, Mim is up and running –ready for anglers and outdoor adventurers. I am quite excited to unveil the “secrets” hidden in Miminiska Lake over the next few weeks as fishing stories start coming in. Speaking of stories, let me fill you in on the first groups to visit Miminiska this season:

The Morgan group returned for another season and a chance to relive the memories they made last year. The Morgan’s made the most of their stay at Mim; out on the water every day, catching hundreds of fish. In addition to some fabulous fishing Darrell the leader of the group planned/guided an excursion to snake falls –a must see for those on the Albany. An update on the Morgan group would not be complete without a mention of Victoria, a special member of the Morgan party who has “lived” at Miminiska lodge for many years and frequently visits with family. It is because of Victoria and her appreciation of the peaceful tranquility that the lounge at Miminiska is named the Victoria Room – a comfy spot to relax after a long day or to contemplate life as you stare out at the remote wilderness.

Also at the lodge enjoying the bounty of Miminiska was the Gentile party. They came for some serious fishing and were not disappointed. Over the course of their stay the group of six reeled in over a thousand fish! Their secret? …Leeches. The Gentile’s swear by live bait, and based on their numbers it sure works for them. Hotspots for these anglers included: the ‘honey hole’, the mouth of Miminiska Falls, and ‘walleye mine’. I myself had the pleasure of heading out with some of our native guides and fishing ‘walleye mine’. This spot sure lives up to its name –the fishing’s incredible!

After a long day of fishing, there’s nothing better than resting your weary arms at the lodge and enjoying the night life. The great staff and friendly atmosphere make it fun and easy to relax. Strike up a conversation to learn little tidbits and neat facts about Miminiska and its surroundings, take an evening stroll around the grounds admiring the various trees and flowers, watch the sun set, or challenge fellow guests to a horseshoe or billiards tournament.  With both a sea plane dock and a grass landing strip Miminiska’s a great spot to get out with family and friends to have an adventure on the big blue lake! Come experience all that Miminiska has to offer.

Until next time,

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