Meow; Here Kitty Kitty - Wilderness North

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Meow; Here Kitty Kitty

Joe Pichey, Wilderness North staffAs the day of the arrival of our first group gets closer, we are “Neck Deep” in the annual puddle known as “trip planning.”  Or as so many of our group leaders have referred to it… “Herding Cats!”  As most group leaders can testify, this process can be a “maddening” experience for everyone. With changes to such things as phone numbers, addresses and e-mails, the yearly collection of this info can seem overwhelming at times. This year getting your Ontario Outdoor Card and fishing license got easier…see the article on the left.

This is why Meryl, Krista and I say “thank you” to all group leaders who go the extra mile to ensure that your group will have a great Boreal Adventure.  Each season, it seems that regulations and information requirements grow and grow and grow and… You get the point.

One of the questions that we get everyday is “Why do you need all of this info and why can’t I just show up and fly to my fishing destination?”  Well, anytime there is an aircraft involved, Transport Canada (FAA in the U.S.) requires the detailed info for flight manifests. The other reason we re-collect and update this information, is to keep our guest files current for e-mails, newsletters (such as this one), emergency notifications, and promotions that we offer throughout the year.

Another “wrinkle” in our everyday operation, is the remoteness of our camps. This is why we ask for guest orders 30 days in advance.  We do not have the luxury of running down to the corner market to pick up a gallon of milk or 10 cases of Molson Canadian (Who drinks milk on a fishing trip anyway?) at the last minute. The more advanced notice we have, the better chance that we can fulfill your special requests.  We can also try and fly your stuff in early and help avoid the constant “weight challenges” that we encounter. Plus, the pre-order process has significantly helped our local bait provider and his life at home. You see, he goes out and catches the bait by himself. He may have a helper every now and then, but for the most part, he is on his own. His wife just loves it when we turn in a huge order at the last minute and he has to run out and check “the traps” for a few extra 100 dozen minnows and leeches. Mrs. Bait provider thanks you for your advance order!

So to all of you group leaders…. We say “thank you” for your diligent efforts at gathering information. Credit card numbers, personal checks, bait, pop, beer, food pack orders, guest profile sheets, and any logistics gathered well in advance help in organizing your stops along the drive to visit us at Wilderness North.

Or as most call it …”Herding Cats.”  MEOW !
I always enjoy hearing from you – tight lines.
Joe Pichey Outdoor Expert – Adventure Planner

Sleeping Giant, May 2012

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