Master Angler Walleyes at Outpost Camps - Wilderness North

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Master Angler Walleyes at Outpost Camps

Outpost Master AnglersThis week we welcomed the Lang party of Clarks Grove, Minnesota to ZigZag Lake.

These first time guests caught and released several respectable Northern Pikes – within the 38-39-inch range. A couple of these snarly tooth water wolves were nice and fat too! In addition to the tenacious northerns, group leader Tom caught and released a 29 ½-inch Walleye by the rapids. He lured in the glass eye with a purple & yellow jig head with a Gulp Leech. Well done Tom!

Brenda and John of Trophy Club, Texas had a wonderful week enjoying the wonders of D’alton Lake. They weren’t disappointed with the angling advice Chris Clemmons had provided them in advance of their arrival. John caught and released a beautiful 28 ½-inch Master Angler Walleye. He was using a homemade contraption of spinners on a crawler harness with 12 pound test line. Brenda gets a honourable mention with a 23-inch Walleye as well.

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