Makokibatan Racks Up Another Half Dozen Master Anglers - Wilderness North

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Makokibatan Racks Up Another Half Dozen Master Anglers

Like our other destinations, the big storm created a lot of challenges at Makokibatan Lodge, but the hearty were rewarded with great catches – adding six names to the Makok Master Angler Roster.

Steve and Ed Ford from Alabama came North for a summer relief from the heat, and caught a lot of Walleyes in 5-10 feet of water. Good size Walleyes and some Pike – mostly hammer handles – for the Pikes. They angled with jigs, green and orange, spinners, and even fly rod and dry flies.

The Hugh Ryan group from Michigan, long time guests of Wilderness North, had a pretty good time, even though the weather was a challenge. They spent a good part of their time at “the cut” outlet to the river, sandy point, and the back bay. They were catching mostly – 18-20 inch Walleyes in 8-12 feet of water – on jigs, orange, yellow, and pearl, deep divers, cleos, spoons, and crank baits. Jim Barrett and Doug Wanty both caught Master Angler trophy Walleyes, with both being 27 inches.

Rob Dock from Thunder Bay’s sister city Duluth Minnesota, and Jim Liston from Mendota Heights Minnnesota stayed the whole week and had a good time. They fished at both ends of the big lake, the river inlet, and the cut. They reported catching fish – mostly Walleye – in about 7 feet of water. They used Rapalas ,and Shad Raps, preferring the chartreuse colours.

Paul Toohey – a Buckeye from Berea, Ohio and Wolverine Jeff Pearson, from Laingsburg, Michigan covered most of the lake reporting dozens of fish every day – everywhere. The depth of the water was about 10 feet and the lengths of the fish were 18 inches for Walleye and 22-25 inches for Pike. They used flys, spoons, jigs – red , orange, and black, and crank baits.

Ontario’s Jim Lovell, Don Desmond, and Charles Sarkis stayed at the Makok Outpost and found plentiful fishing in 3-15 feet of water. The average length was 18-22-in for Walleye. They used jigs, chartreuse, orange, and twisters. Both Don and Jim – are now Master Anglers in having caught a 26 ½ in Walleye, — Oh and Jim caught two.

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