The wind blew hard and cold, for three days and three nights. Harsh 30km/h gusts buffeted guests’ while out on the water. The sun was hidden and the clouds were thick. Dark conditions were worsened by heavy sideways rain and snow!!
Most anglers preferred to anxiously wait by the windows, watching the weather from the comfort of heated cabins. Only the brave dared venture out into the abyss, among them being this past week’s new arrivals. This fresh group of 8 anglers faced the monstrous storm head on, frequently heading out to test their skills and have some fun fishing. Pete from the Gildea group rose above the rest as he landed three walloping walleye, two 26inchers and this season’s record 29inch lunker. Frank Chisholm and his friends also braved the elements, getting on the lake for some fabulous fishing.
Well the bar has been set for future anglers and outdoor enthusiasts; let’s see how long this record lasts. For those of you looking to top this year’s Master Angler list, fishing the cut and back lake have proven to be quite productive.
The weather should be clearing up this upcoming week and more guests will be flying in, sadly it means we have to watch our new and old friends leave. Until next time, keep it reel and don’t rock the boat!