Things sure are getting done here at Makokibatan Lodge!
This past week, with no guests in the lodge, we took some time to spruce the place up a little. The lodge building received a new coat of stain. We battled the bugs and the rain, and now the building looks great. Thanks to Boyce and Alma from Mojikit who came in and helped – it was a pleasure having you guys here!
Bernard and Matty have also done some brush cutting and dropped a bunch of trees at the front of the property. Now we have a great view from the lodge.
Eli Baxter, Sr. came back into the lodge this week as well. He escorted Bernard and Joe Pichey on a river trip for brookies. Bernard had a blast! Joe will be sharing more details about it in his report.
We have the Majka group in this week and look forward to hearing their tales of the lake and river.
…Meryl & Bernard Carroll