Look to the Sky for Big Fish? - Wilderness North

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Look to the Sky for Big Fish?

Looking up and away from the water may seem counter productive to catching fish that live below the surface but it is actually some good advice. To maximize your chances of catching big fish, watch for weather patterns, bird activity, and pay attention to moon up/moon down times; in particular the three days before and after the full moon.  Some of the groups at Striker’s Point did just that and had a great week! Congrats to Coley W. for landing a 45in Master Angler pike on a pink swim bait near the Bay of Pigs.

For several years now we have welcomed Bob and his group to Striker’s for their annual corporate retreat. After dialing in their gear with a couple of walleye and a handful of pike, this group was a force to be reckoned with as they hammered the walleye. Rotating between jigs, Rapalas, and spinners tipped with grubs the group caught lots of fish in the deeper water (20ft) surrounding the narrows, the inlet & up river, and other secret spots. Bob said Aug 9th and 11th were his best angling days ever in Canada! Given Sunday’s Super Moon and it’s later set times (see solunar table for August) this should not be a surprise as the moon was it’s biggest and brightest during that time allowing the walleye to take advantage of some great night time feeding in the dim light. The various storms passing through didn’t hurt either.

Returning for another great trip, John B. and his crew used the strategy of paying attention to bird activity.  One of their hot spots was “Seagull Island”. The group of six enjoyed some big angling days, slamming the walleyes for several days in a row along with many pike.  All caught from depths of around 20ft on jigs and Rapalas tipped with leeches and crawlers.

Stay tuned,
The Striker’s staff team

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