Water this clear is hard to find. Even in the most remote “Island Get-A-Ways” we all hear about in the Caribbean. I’m talking about the
photo in Katelyn’s post. This is our latest “discovery” for angler’s looking for day trips from our Miminiska Lodge on the Albany River.
The lake is named “Emerald Lake” on the maps, and true to it’s name is a pure green. And clear? You can easily see to thirty feet. And it is deep and cold, so the Lake Trout are more than happy to respond to anglers offerings. And best of all you see them rise right before your eyes. Our manager, Fred White (he also pilots your day trip) is more than willing to strap a canoe on his Otter and take you there for a “one of kind ‘adventure’ within an adventure” when you join us at Miminiska Lake.
I also want to follow up with another report on Zig Zag Lake. Dan Carlson was there in early August, and chats about what he calls a “once in a lifetime” adventure on this week’s podcast. An adventure in which he learned how many fish are catchable at Zig Zag, even in the current, low water conditions. Hear Dan’s remarkable account about both Walleye and Pike on this week’s podcast – Listen Now.
BTW: Dan, who lives in Clinton Iowa, left Canada went home and trucked his 1238 pound pumpkin to the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines where he won this year’s “Biggest Pumpkin” contest last Saturday – AND – set a new state record in the process. See what a Canadian fishing trip can you do for you? You can see the pumpkin weigh-in by clicking here.
Although we have had some “dog days” this past week, with a bit of frost on the windscreen this morning and early autumn may be
just around the corner. That Master Angler list – including the 51 inch Pike from Whitewater Lake (see Tyler’s report) just keeps growing and growing and growing – kinda like Iowa pumpkins.
Keep in touch. I welcome your phone calls and e-mails. You can send one now.