Kids Get Hooked on Fishing at Makok - Wilderness North

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Kids Get Hooked on Fishing at Makok

This week was an exceptionally great fishing week at Makokibatan, both on and off the water. We had a very busy week here with a full house of family and friends. One day we had 3 planes delivering full loads of multi-generational family groups. In all, we welcomed 10 children between the ages of 7 and 17, travelling to Makok with Dad, Grandpa, and even Great-grandpa. It’s rare for families to have four generations together in one place at any time; having them up on the Albany was truly special.

In addition to the family groups there were several other parties in camp who were on the walleye, bringing in a total of 12 Master Anglers. The standout of the week was Larry S, a newcomer who managed to land 7 trophy walleye thanks to some great guiding by Kash. Eli, our other guide, was also busy bringing several groups down the Albany River for some great brook trout fishing and an abundance of walleye.

Not to be outdone by the adults, two of the eager and energetic youngsters caught the biggest walleye of the week; Kyler caught a 29 incher and Landon caught a 27. These were their first, of hopefully many more, Master Anglers. When it came time to present their Master Angler pins, I have yet to see as much excitement and pride from any angler we’ve had here. I asked these boys if they had a good time, and they told me that they have traveled a lot with their family’s but a fishing trip with Dad and their two grandfathers was the best ever. It just goes to show Makokibatan can get anyone to catch the fishing fever.

For the fathers, grandfathers, and one great grandfather, I believe it was truly a trip of a lifetime to be able to get away from everything and spend quality time with their boys. I heard several times throughout the week, “It’s just great to see the young guys having such a good time”. And a good time we had! Three of our guests celebrated their birthdays during their stay so we organized a surprise party one day complete with banners, smiles, laughs and an out of this world chocolate cake made by cook Valda. It goes to show that a fly in adventure with Wilderness North is not just for hardcore anglers in search of trophy fish (though they still got several).

I can’t wait for these family groups to come back to visit us next year. To all the fathers out there with sons, I highly recommend you take your boys on a float plane for a fly in fishing adventure at least once. It’s an experience that can be shared and cherished by family members, young and old.

Until next time,
Makok Staff

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