It's That Time of Year Again - Wilderness North

Celebrating 30 Years of Wilderness North  –          

It’s That Time of Year Again

hunting fishing transition, Wilderness NorthOur last few moose hunting groups are wrapping up their fall adventures and we are in the final stages of battening down the lodges for the winter… Safe to say, it’s time to start thinking about next year. What better way to kick off the new year than with a 2013 Wilderness North calendar featuring some of the great shots guests have taken over the years. If you have an awesome shot that you would love to see in this year’s calendar, please email Wayne and he will send you image specifications. Our calendars are a great way to get in touch with guests, both new and old; your submissions are greatly appreciated.

Speaking of next year, Wilderness North is also undergoing some exciting new changes to make your wilderness experiences even better. Stay tuned for updates to our website and this year’s new package prices.

While Graham’s forecast this week talks about the transition from summer to winter and the dreaded 4 letter word some experienced in Armstrong last weekend…snow!…like the warm weather that is making a comeback this weekend, the Wilderness North Fishing Report will continue to keep readers focused on fishing during the off season with new content, recipes, and gear recommendations to get you through the cold months ahead. If you have a comment or topic you would like to see covered feel free to drop us a line.

Alan CheesemanAs always it’s good to hear from you.
Alan Cheeseman

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