It's Simply the Right Thing to do - Wilderness North

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It’s Simply the Right Thing to do

President, Wilderness NorthMy wife Krista summed it up that way, and I agree wholeheartedly. Helping those who have been seriously injured in the line of military duty is, as Krista says, “a no-brainer.” So, when Mark Snyder, a Washington, D.C. fly fishing guide and founder of called and told us about Project Healing Waters, our first response was: “How can we help?”

Mark explained that soldiers – men and women – who have been seriously injured, in some cases losing a limb or limbs often return from the battlefield with little hope. Project Healing Waters takes these heroes through the process of learning and practicing fly-fishing. This “re-hab” rebuilds their skills and confidence in remarkable ways giving them hope for a brighter future.

After hearing this we have decided to host a special Project Healing Waters week in July, and welcome injured U.S. and Canadian men and women to the wilderness of Northwestern Ontario. We’ll fly them from Thunder Bay to our Miminiska Lodge, provide food, lodging, and all the amenities as our way of saying thanks for protecting the freedoms we have all come to enjoy. Our current podcast has an in depth interview with Mark, as he explains more about the Canadian Project Healing Waters adventure.

The only remaining challenge is raising the funds for round trip air transportation from each soldier’s hometown to Thunder Bay, and obtaining some fishing gear for them.  This is where you can help. We know that times may be tough for some of you, however, if you are interested in assisting, you can learn more on our website.  We hope you’ll agree:

It’s simply the right thing to do.

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