Alan's Message, President Wilderness North

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In Transition

With the kids returning to school, fall is a time of re-establishing routines in our house. We are closing up and carrying out maintenance at the camps and lodges and putting the finishing touches on our brochures and calendar projects. We look to the future and begin to think about what changes and improvements we would like to implement in 2014 for Wilderness North. If any of you have any ideas that you would like to share with us, or suggestions on how we can make your guest experience even better feel free to share them with us.

As the seasons begin to change, fishermen and outdoor adventurers have given way to hunters; the moose hunt is now well underway at many of our camps. Speaking of changes, this fall we re-opened a few outposts that haven’t been utilized for the past few years, so we have some very excited hunters anticipating the “untouched” landscape. I’ll let you know how it all pans out.

With the onset of fall, we wish everyone success with their “chores” during the transition from summer’s relaxation back to the grind. Take care, and as always its great to hear from you! Send me an email or post a comment on my blog below.

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