Healing on the Albany, 2011 - Wilderness North

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Healing on the Albany, 2011

Healing on the Albany 2011, Wilderness NorthThey arrived…fished…laughed…and they healed.  Now they have gone back to their home towns with many lifelong memories.
Ten soldiers – five each from the US and Canada. Some from the wars of southeast Asia, decades ago. Some fresh from the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan. Together, with the support of the volunteer pilots, guides, medics, fishing rod manufacturers, and Project Healing Waters coordinator Mark Snyder – they were all part of what we now call “Healing On The Albany-2011.”

The financial gifts we received from many of our friends and guests like you were very important in making this annual event possible. THANK YOU! Krista and I, and our entire staff take time to honour these soldiers each July. They stood up when others stood back. They are the ones who believe and act on the belief that our free way of life is worth fighting for. Project Healing Waters – a worldwide non-profit organization – gives us the chance to open the doors to our planes and lodges, and provide the boats, motors, meals, and beds so they may receive- for a little while – the peace of the boreal forest of Northwestern Ontario.

When you carefully look at the photo of the “Ten for 2011”, you will notice the obvious scars of battle or the new man made limbs on some…but what you may not see are the not so obvious psychological wounds suffered by some. This year, we too, learned from these special guests about PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder)…and heard from these soldiers how much the cool green forests and crystal clear waters helped in their recovery.

We always receive thank you notes from these soldiers. However, we are the receivers of a greater gift, and Healing on The Albany is our way of saying thanks.

Here is the Roster of PHW Soldiers 2011


  • Lewis Chaitove; Toronto, ON
  • Rob Martin; Perth, ON
  • Doug Brown; Ottawa, ON
  • Fraser Dull; Edmonton, AL
  • Kurtis Gaucher; Edmonton, AL


  • Bill Boyce; CA
  • Joe Harilla; PA
  • John Swanson; MN
  • Vincent Immel; CO
  • Andrew Gendron; NC


Happy fishing, and as always, its great to hear from you

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