Healing on the Albany -2009 - Wilderness North

Celebrating 30 Years of Wilderness North  –          

Healing on the Albany -2009

Alan & KristaJust as last year, Krista and I were moved this week by the bravery of the soldiers who are with us at Miminiska Lodge on the Albany River. Five of the soldiers are from the US (left)  and five are from Canada  (right). We realize their first act of bravery was stepping into harm’s way, when they volunteered to be part of the armed services that preserve our way of life. This week, we are seeing their second act of bravery as they take their steps – some small, others a bit bigger – toward recovery from the injuries of the battle field. For one week every year our direct contact with these remarkable men and women helps us so much more than we help them.

Glen BC 2009, PHWThis year a documentary is being filmed, by Dave from Thunderstone Pictures, and I have seen the initial interviews and heard a few of the powerful personal stories. Today’s podcast is but one of these interviews, and the words of Glen Kirkland from BC, will be a clear answer to anyone who asks why we do this. You can listen in here.

Pilots Ed & Dick, Wilderness North PHW We truly believe, that for this one week each July, setting aside our usual day-to-day business, and concentrating on saying thank you to those who so often have thankless jobs is, as Krista puts it, “simply the right the thing to do.”  Together with our providing the flights, lodging, boats and motors; Orvis provides the fly fishing tackle; Sysco Food Services of Thunder Bay the food; American Airlines the US air travel; Victoria Inn the Thunder Bay the lodging; Ed Newby and Dick Oelkers (retired AA captains, left) the planes, the fuel, and the flights from Chicago to Thunder Bay; and friends and guests just like you who provided cash donations for other costs. In other words, here are the gifts of many focused on the soldiers who are with us this week. And did you know that 100% of every gift goes to the soldier without any “administrative” costs?

Coordinating this event with Project Healing Waters in the US and Soldier On here in Canada is a pleasure. Watching each soldier receive the healing benefits of their trip to the remote and remarkable boreal forest is the greatest gift of all. And we also receive that gift. That is why we call the event: Healing on the Albany.

Enjoy the photos of the welcome breakfast in Thunder Bay, and the 2009 Healing on the Albany event from Miminiska Lodge.
Talk to you next week – and as always, it’s great to hear from you. Feel free to drop me an e-mail or chat by phone at 888-465-3474.

phw 2009

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