Healing Event For Soldiers - less than two weeks away - Wilderness North

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Healing Event For Soldiers – less than two weeks away

It is PHW countdown time up at Miminiska Lodge on the Albany River. Our event is called “Healing On The Albany” and opens the door to the Boreal Forests of Northwestern Ontario to both US and Canadian soldiers recovering from battlefield injuries. Ten Canadian and US soldiers have confirmed their attendance at our event.

All of the gear – donated from Orvis, the big American Fly Fishing Company – has arrived, travel arrangements have been finalized and are now complete for each soldier’s July 10 arrival – and flight up to Mim on the 11th.

We continue to welcome monetary gifts that will enable us to transport these worthy men and women of the US and Canadian military service to our Albany River Lodge. Thank-you for your contributions to Healing on the Albany.
To send a donation to PHW, more information is available here.

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