Happy Canada Day + Happy Independence Day - Wilderness North

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Happy Canada Day + Happy Independence Day

Alan Cheeseman and a WN OtterTomorrow is a big day here in Canada. It is Canada Day. Yup, we have the fireworks, and a day of family picnics and sporting events. It is also a chance to pause and be grateful for our freedom to live in a great land. We know our US friends are celebrating Independence Day this weekend too. We all know those freedoms – regardless of which side of the border you are reading this – did not come free. That is why we will pause again in a couple of weeks to honour and welcome wounded US and Canadian soldiers to our Miminiska Lodge for our third annual Healing On The Albany event. These brave men and women have been wounded in battles, both current and past, defending our rights to live free in both countries. Others volunteer their help too, like our friends at the Victoria Inn here in Thunder Bay who donate the rooms for these soldiers upon their arrival on July 15.

Diane C, Project Healing WatersMark Snyder of Project Healing Waters, who coordinates the whole event tells me that Diane Cochran AND her daughter will take part in this year’s event. We met Diane last year, and look forward to seeing her again and meeting her daughter. Last year we had a chance to get to know her pretty well from an interview she shared with us for a podcast. I invite you to listen in here – to meet a true North American hero.  You will be even more grateful for the freedom you celebrate in the coming days after you listen.

Our second podcast this week is with a remarkable angler from the state of Michigan, Par Shiree. What’s so remarkable is the fact that when he left Striker’s Point Lodge a few days ago, he concluded his 71st fly-in adventure to Northwestern Ontario. By clicking here you will learn his secret to success on big Whitewater Lake, and his point of view about staying at Striker’s Point Lodge – our American Plan destination here in the Wabakimi Provincial Park.

Happy Canada Day. Happy July 4th every one.
I always value hearing from you, and answering your questions, so drop me an e-mail here.

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