Greetings from Thunder Bay - Wilderness North

Celebrating 30 Years of Wilderness North  –          

Greetings from Thunder Bay

Alan Cheeseman and a WN OtterOur fishing reports this week, are mainly from our lodges.
As you may recall we have two American Plan lodges on the Albany River. One at Miminiska Lake and to the east on Makokibatan Lake. We are, in fact, the only lodge operators on this historic 600 mile “west to east” flowing water way.

We continue to be amazed at the Trophy Walleye being caught at Makokibatan. This week there were thirteen walleyes over twenty-six inches long entered in the record book. Congrats to all those anglers.

Today we feature Striker’s Point Lodge, in our destination spotlight. “SPL” is the only full service American Plan Lodge on Whitewater Lake in the Wabakimi Provincial Park. Just a couple weeks ago, we ran into the original builder and owner of this historic destination – Don Plumridge. Don built the lodge in the mid 70’s calling it Whitewater East. Our founder Jack Mark, bought it from Don, and renamed it Striker’s Point Lodge after his pet German Shepherd – Striker. Anyway, Don gave us a video (about 30 years old) featuring the camp under construction, which we have placed up at YouTube. The video is in two parts and part one is available by clicking here. And part two by clicking here.

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