Fly Fishing and Politics - Wilderness North

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Fly Fishing and Politics

Fly Fishing at Miminiska, Wilderness NorthGreat Website for Flats Skiff Fishermen
10-18-2012 12:59:40 PM
There’s a new kid on the media fishing block, although admittedly it’s a little more about boats than fishing. Skiff Republic is a website that delves deep into the history, culture, and technology of shallow water fishing craft that we fly fisherman love so much. There’s a ton of videos, interviews with boat builders and designers, forums to peruse, and an e-mail newsletter that can update you via your inbox about all the newest skiff news. If you’re a skiff owner, looking to buy, or just love the culture and technology of flats boats do yourself a favor and check out Skiff Republic. …»

Why Outdoorsmen Should Care About Political Issues
10-04-2012 12:52:36 PM
I don’t want to get all preachy here on Fly Talk, but after the debates last night and reading an excellent editorial piece by Scott Willoughby in the Denver Post from Tuesday, I felt had to share. As a westerner and someone who cares deeply for the outdoors, I felt Willoughby’s piece was as important as any I’ve read lately.I don’t care if you’re a democrat or republican, what Willoughby had to say in his piece should make us ALL think a little harder about who we choose for elected office and what those choices will have on our hunting and fishing lands. In the piece, Willoughby writes:”According to a recently released poll of 800 hunters and anglers conducted by the National Wildlife Federation, 47% consider conservation just as important as gun rights. 49% feel protecting public lands should be given priority, even at the risk of limiting the amount of energy produced. Perhaps most noteworthy is the fact that 42% described themselves as Republicans, and only 18% called themselves Democrats. Willoughby goes on to quote Romney on the purpose of federal land in the West and rebuts that with his own “short list” that would make any outdoorsman think twice about the comments. Take a minute, read his piece, and let me know what you all think.…»

How to Get Trout to Notice Your Flies With Autumn Leaves in the Water
10-08-2012 12:00:44 PM
Autumn is probably my favorite time to fish. The rivers are typically low. The crowds have thinned. The trout are active. And the brightly colored leaves create a stunningly beautiful backdrop. The only problem is, a stiff breeze can blow all those pretty leaves into the river. And that’s exactly what I encountered a few days ago. When I got to my fishing spot, I soon realized that the currents were thick with leaves and twigs. With a kaleidoscope of colors-greens, browns, oranges, reds, and mostly bright yellow (aspen leaves)-washing downstream, how can you make a fly stand out so that a trout will not only notice it, but also eat it? There are a few tricks that will work in this situation. First of all, look for eddies near where fast water meets slow water. Trout like those hard seams, where leaves collect in a line, because that’s where the bugs are also collecting.  In this case, the leaves actually help you pinpoint the cast. Second, use flies with colors that don’t match the leaves i.e) blues & reds. The tans, yellows, and browns obviously blend into the mix. Third, we all know that fall is a great time for streamer fishing, and I think that’s partly because, with so many leaves floating downstream, if you work a fly upstream, it’s going to get noticed. Think about it. A trout sees flecks and globs of plant matter washing by all day, but suddenly out of its peripheral vision, it notices something darting in the other direction. That’s just a hunch, but I’m sticking to it. After all, the trick when there’s so many things in the water to distract trout is to get your flies noticed. Do those things, and you’ll still catch trout, even when the leaves fall off the trees and into your favorite trout runs.…»

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