D’Alton Outpost - Wilderness North

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D’Alton Outpost

Just thought we’d fire off a quick email to tell you about our trip to D’alton:

Best day = 60 fish in the boat.
Worst day = 40 fish in the boat.
Average for the week = 48 fish in the boat every day.

We really didn’t fish that hard to be honest with you.  Didn’t start before 10am and were back in camp before dark.  Real fishermen would have had much better results than these, since Vera and I really don’t have any idea what we are doing but we had a great time.

Snuck the boat up on a cow & calf Moose on the first evening and then crept up on a bull the second evening.  All three of these Moose were feeding in the swamp down by the waterfalls and we were able to get pretty close.  Maybe 50-yards from the cow and 25-yards from the bull.

Thanks for the great vacation.
Larry and Vera Peters
Ontario, Canada

scenic sunset

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